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Irish bunny in London gambling club

By mr-gambling on 2011-06-15 13:43:02

The Playboy club in London is reopening after it closed back in the early eighties after suspected gambling irregularities and it is in the Irish Gambling News because one of the first “bunny” hosts and croupier is none other than Irish Miss Universe contestant Louise Kavanagh from Shankill Co Dublin. Louise was selected from some 5000 applicants and went through various vigorous selection tests including maths and colour blindness as well as sociability. In the gambling world it is all very well to look the part but croupiers have to be pretty fleet of mind and calm under pressure. When asked about the well known uniform Ms, Kavanagh replied “They say there are more fittings for the Playboy bunny suit than your wedding dress. It’s really comfortable and makes you sit up straight. I love it, there is nothing like it”. Rules for the gambling public in the club are very clear as far as the girls are concerned and hands off is strictly enforced and with pretty steep membership fees of over €2500 few can afford to take liberties although Louise is the first to admit that she does get asked for her number quite regularly. We suspect that if you are gambling in the club you might be prepared to gamble on getting a number. Also in the Irish Gambling News is the release of a public consultation paper by the EU about online gambling where everyone has the chance to submit opinions before the end of July. Inconsistency in gambling regulations across Europe is a big problem and some think that Irelands financial and IT business world could capitalize quite strongly if harmonization could be achieved and of course our own online Irish gambling laws badly need bringing up to date anyway. No doubt the Gaming and Leisure Association of Ireland will have a say.