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Stick to European version when roulette gambling

By mr-gambling on 2015-09-21 14:32:18

Gambling in Ireland is a bit a way of life and of course the horses and the dogs are the most bet upon in bookmakers shops but when it comes to online gambling there is the choice of casino gambling which without online gambling most people would probably never or seldom experience. Of course in online casinos there is a huge choice of casino games which can often include hundreds of casino slots but the most popular game is without doubt roulette. Online casino roulette is exactly the same as roulette as played in any other casino except possibly that in some places the only roulette played is the American version. American roulette can also be played at online casinos but as the odds of winning are worse than the European version it should be avoided if possible. Roulette gambling in the American version has two different zeros whereas the European and French versions have only one but the payout odds are the same on both games. Apart from that gambling on roulette is simplicity itself and the result is down to complete luck. There are no good bets or bad bets in online roulette as the odds paid are directly proportional to the total numbers bet on and despite what some will say what has gone before has no bearing whatsoever on what will happen in the future. When gambling on roulette at an online casino they will always tell you what has gone before and if that really were going to be helpful it is doubtful they would do it. Despite all of that gambling on roulette provides one of the better chances of winning when compared to a number of other casino games and the nice thing about online casino roulette is that you can play for very small stakes indeed and either play for high rewards by backing single numbers or low risk by gambling on red/black or odd/even.